etc / effective technican communication (3130004)
exam paper winter 2022
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Unit-1: Dynamics of Communication
Definition and process, Kinesics, Proxemics, Paralinguistic features, Importance of Interpersonal and Intercultural Communication in today’s organizations
Unit-2: Technical Writing
Report writing, Technical proposal, Technical description, Business letters(sales, order, complaint, adjustment, inquiry, recommendation, appreciation, apology, acknowledgement, cover letter), Agenda of meeting, Minutes of meeting, Resume writing
Unit-3: Technical Communication
Public speaking, Group discussion, Presentation strategies, Interview skills, Negotiation skills, Critical and Creative thinking in communication
Unit-4: Ethics in Engineering
Scope of engineering ethics, Accepting and sharing responsibility, Responsible professionals and ethical corporations,Resolving ethical dilemmas, Making moral choices
Unit-5: Etiquettes
Telephone etiquettes, Etiquettes for foreign business trips, Visits of foreign counterparts, Etiquettes for small talks, Respecting privacy, Learning to say NO, Time management
Unit-6: Self-development and Assessment
Change, Grow, Persist, Prioritize, Read, Learn, Listen, Record, Remember, Asses, Think, Communicate, Relate, Dream
Course Outcome
- Define and discuss dynamics of Verbal and Non Verbal aspects of communication
- Write various formal documents of technical and professional communication
- Communicate in diverse formal situations taking place in organizations
- Illustrate and examine the knowledge of ethical aspects of engineering
- Demonstrate and explain social and professional etiquettes
- Plan self-development and practice self-assessment
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